Request for Startup: Next Gen Media.
I am actively looking to invest in and support someone that wants to build a media brand that will restore civilized debate in our society.
I believe that most young people today do not trust any established media organization and yet are yearning to find a source of truth that they can trust.
We will begin by hosting a weekly newsletter that presents two opinion columnists writing on the same topic. Along with both of their opinions, our editors will highlight where there is consensus in their views and where there is disagreement. Then, each week at the same time, likely on Sunday, we will host a live-streamed debate moderated by our editor.
We will seek to extend the conversation from our live-streamed debate to our audience, where we will respectfully engage in moderated discussion within our community.
The stated goal of this company is to replace a significant amount of the attention that Twitter and Facebook currently occupy in many people’s lives. If you have time, I spoke about technology companies reluctance to accept their responsibility to be media companies here. We all realize that Facebook and Twitter are broken but most people don’t believe that any organization can ever rival their reach. I don’t agree.
Who are you? You are ideally someone who knows what it feels like to not be heard and that you have struggled to find your voice in the World and have now found it. You are in your twenties or early thirties. You have a journalism degree or you have some education in journalism (I am a high school dropout so don’t value educational institutions much but understanding the principles and traditions of journalism are important for obvious reasons). You have startup experience where you successfully marketed to high school or college age people at some degree of scale and you have strong product instincts. You are deeply passionate about “fixing news” but are also highly analytical and methodical in the way you operate.
I feel a strong sense of urgency to launch the initial product by early 2020. I will fund the initial investment and help you raise whatever other capital is required through the life of the business.
From Day 1, the Company will be incorporated as a B Corp and will look to be a strong supporter of student journalism through high schools and colleges and will look to fund local investigative journalism projects in the places in which our members live as quickly as is financially feasible.
Please get in-touch or comment below if you think you’re the right person to get this initiative off the ground.